Additional Photos

Perle Mesta with a poodle dog, date unknown. Courtesy Oklahoma Hall of Fame Archives.

Governor Johnston Murray introduced commencement speaker Perle Mesta on May 28, 1951 at the Oklahoma College for Women in Chickasha. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

Perle Mesta arriving at Oklahoma College for Women in Chickasha on May 28, 1951. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

Perle Mesta greeted at the airport by "Oklahoma's dignitaries", May 27, 1951. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

A portrait of Perle Mesta is unveiled at the Oklahoma Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, November 16, 1951. Perle was unable to attend due to her responsibilities in Luxembourg. The portrait was gifted to the Oklahoma State Capitol. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

Perle Mesta at a formal event, May 14, 1957. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

Perle Mesta, date unknown. Courtesy Oklahoma Hall of Fame Archives.

Perle Mesta, right, arriving at the train station in Oklahoma City on May 14, 1957. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

Arriving in Oklahoma City, Perle Mesta, left, was greeted by Mrs. Johnston Murray, wife of Oklahoma Governor, on May 27, 1951. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.

Perle Mesta, date unknown. Courtesy Oklahoma Hall of Fame Archives.